• March 30, 2022

In Financial markets, there is a law called the Law of One Price. This law states that identical financial assets must…

In Financial markets, there is a law called the Law of One Price. This law states that identical financial assets must trade at the same price across all markets. Where this law of one price is violated, arbitrage opportunity is created which goes to normalize the pricing differences.

To borrow this law, the Law of One Character will be that in every space, time and circumstance, one must maintain the same character. Friend, it should be wrong to be excellent at home, but not at work; diligent in church but not in business. We should be of one Character in every situation.

Let your virtues be freely visible in all spheres of your life. And similarly too, let your effort to eliminate vices be across board. Stay true in good and bad times. This is your law of one price. Cheers.

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