• September 23, 2022

Years ago when I started my Banking career, coming from a Zoology background, everything sounded mostly gibberish to me. I was often lost in my thoughts trying to

Years ago when I started my Banking career, coming from a Zoology background, everything sounded mostly gibberish to me. I was often lost in my thoughts trying to figure out the meaning of what was said. In fact, in one occasion, I was fiddling with my phone, trying to google the meaning of some terms being used. Friend, it is always harder when you start.

Giving up because things are hard when you started is the wrong reason to quit. When you understand that the curve only flattens with time and effort, you won’t quit. Continuing to expose your mind to the light of new information, is the way to go. And remember, like Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “the mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions”. Cheers.

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