Thank you Ngozi.
Paulo Coelho once said, “the secret of life is to fall seven times and to get up eight times”, and this statement squarely sits with my subject for here.
Paulo Coelho once said, “the secret of life is to fall seven times and to get up eight times”, and this statement squarely sits with my subject for here. If you must grow, you need to ditch the fear of making mistakes; you have to be comfortable with mistakes.
One of the hotly debated principles among start-ups in Silicon Valley is, “fail fast, fail often”. It speaks to a need to iterate often in product development. Nothing but unique mistakes is the source of innovative ideas.
Although we must make peace with mistakes, unique mistakes are the proof that we learnt a lesson from the last one. Repeating the same mistake is mildly a refusal to learn from it. So, friend, what mistakes have you been afraid of making that is keeping you down? Let’s do it! Cheers.