Thank you Ngozi.
Besides managing your boss, his expectations and all, another group that needs managing is your peer. They are usually your colleagues of similar or same grade, job role or same supervisor.
Besides managing your boss, his expectations and all, another group that needs managing is your peer. They are usually your colleagues of similar or same grade, job role or same supervisor. They are often chasing what you’re chasing, and have similar chances like you do.
If you view your peers as your competition, you’re right. If you view them as your partners, you’re also right. They are both. Your skill, however, should be the ability to support your peers, and gain support from them too. And this is what managing your peers is all about.
In your effort to manage your relationship with your peers, there are two things I think are noteworthy: first, aim to collaborate with them better. This may often be challenged, but make it your first goal. Next, aim to bring the best out of them. Help them shine, but don’t be shy to expect the same from them. Manage them well! Cheers.