• January 3, 2023

Whenever the past is spoken of, there is always an unfair measure of emphasis on regrets. We are always encouraged to forget about past regrets, past failures, past disappointments. We are told that revisiting those sour histories are mentally limiting. However, equally limiting is clinging to the victories of the past; continuing to attach yourself and worth to the activities that are in the past, is how you lose sight of the present and the future.

In every new year, we judiciously lay away everything we consider as clogs on our wheel. But the silkiest clog that miss our radar, is the victories of the past years…

Your wins, instead of setting the benchmark for greater wins, often tends to set the boundary; it becomes the best you are capable of. This is how victories, laurels, crowns, turn themselves into chains on what you believe about yourself.

In 2008, Kobe Bryant won the coveted regular season MVP Award with the Los Angeles Lakers for the 2007-2008 NBA Season, and it was reported that the very next day after the ceremonies, he was the first at the training ground, hours before his teammates. He described this as the Mamba Mentality in his Book.

Friend, there is more that every new day and every new year can bring. There are more “lands” to conquer. And as you refuse to let your past failures limit you, don’t let your past victories stop you too. Look forward. Cheers.

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