• June 29, 2023

Today, every passing minute, knowledge is being disseminated. We have more information today than we know what to do with. In fact, it is my opinion that we are overwhelmed by the sheer abundance of information all around us that we simply freeze in our pursuit to know. However, we are called to learn daily.

The value of knowledge cannot be overemphasized; the cost of ignorance is enormous, and so we must become lifelong learners. I have identified three compelling reasons why you should continually pursue knowledge, in effect, be a lifelong learner.

First, knowledge sets you apart. Nothing screams louder than a more knowledgeable person. In a competitive space like most work environments today are, the attention in the room is swallowed by the most knowledgeable person in the room. Knowledge has similar root with the word “light”, and to have knowledge is to shine like light. But beyond this, knowledge gives you an edge.

Secondly, knowledge saves you a great deal of cost. Friend, when you don’t know enough, you pay an awful lot to those who know. In business for instance, the main differentiating factor is often knowledge. You will think that because information is easily accessible and cheap that many people will know. Well, the data shows that most people are still ignorant in many things. Kind of dying of thirst while surrounded by fresh water.

Thirdly, valuable knowledge redeems time. You see, years are spent learning a lot of the things that have been published in books and blogs. Reading them gives you years’ worth of advantage. You shouldn’t wait to experience everything by yourself, you can learn from other people’s experiences. Do this continually in every area of your life, and you will win all the time.

Granted, we all struggle to go through books. I am as guilty as they come. However, let your desire and curiosity not be lost. Keep being curious, keep learning, keep winning. I am rooting for you always. Cheers.

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