Thank you Ngozi.
Drawing insight from farmers, I find that there are broadly four seasons in every career:…
Drawing insight from farmers, I find that there are broadly four seasons in every career: Clearing Season, Sowing Season, Tending Season and Reaping/Harvest Season.
There’ll always be a season to declutter. Most successful career stories are focused; either industry-focused, role-focused or sector-focused. This is the clearing season. Next is pouring hours and years of investments into that specific focus-area. This is the sowing season. Then the tending season. Here you nurture your career investments in expectation of a yield. And lastly, the harvest. For some, a bountiful harvest is rising on the corporate ladder, for others, it is amassing incredible wealth.
Friend, what stage are you in, and how are you maximizing it? Let’s see your answer in the comments if you don’t mind. Cheers.