• September 23, 2022

The serial Tech Executive and Advisor, Shreyas Doshi, recently shared a tweet. He said “You can teach people a lot of things, but you cannot really teach them to care about the

The serial Tech Executive and Advisor, Shreyas Doshi, recently shared a tweet. He said “You can teach people a lot of things, but you cannot really teach them to care about the quality of work they put out”. How truer can a statement be?

Friend, don’t get caught up with the haste and box-checking of processes that you fail to care about the final work. That single element of care, is the difference between two people that got the job done.

Granted, some jobs and leaders make it easy for one to care less, but for the sake of your character and reputation, learn to care. Care that a customer was satisfied; that the job was delivered in good time; that the company is meeting her objectives. Just care, and show that you do. Cheers.

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