• September 23, 2022

Years ago, I worked for a certain man. He was the CEO of his company, the Head-Pastor of his church, and obviously, the Head of his family. In all these three departments

Years ago, I worked for a certain man. He was the CEO of his company, the Head-Pastor of his church, and obviously, the Head of his family. In all these three departments of his life, he was the head, the leader and the sole decision maker.

I felt bad for him, because in his ambition, he has probably lost the opportunity to stay accountable. It is a gift to have someone you defer to; someone who you are responsible to. Don’t get too big for accountability.

In the words of Thomas Paine, the English-born American Activist, “A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.” Friend, nothing plays out of tune like an unaccountable life. Help yourself. Stay accountable! Cheers.

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