• July 11, 2023

Years ago, I read from the Book of Proverbs that “Surely you need guidance to wage war, and victory is won through many advisers”, and since then, I have paid close attention to the college of advisors I have around me. I figured that seeking guidance and advice from people is the easiest way to not go amiss. We all need a board of advisors.

Building a successful career or business is squarely hinged on the quality of information available to you. From your education, books, travel experiences, etc., you are at the mercy of the information you have. However, one such source of quality knowledge is good advisors. You can be smart, intelligent and diligent, but following one bad advice can ruin it all.

In essence, reviewing your existing relationships to find great advisors, and establishing new relationships with great advisors is a winning strategy. From friends, family, to colleagues, mentors and so on, who is a quality advisor that you can always count on? Also, in what subject is one advisor better than the other? These are questions to help you rake more wisdom from your circle.

Friend, have you met someone before who has a contact for everything? When it comes to buying or fixing a car, there is a trusted advisor. When it comes to changing careers, there is a trusted advisor. When it comes to marital decisions, there is a trusted advisor. And they may be more than one or two people whose unique perspectives will be a formidable counsel. You need to be that person.

Furthermore, in creating your board of advisors, you need to design a structure where some advisors rank higher than others, probably based on experience and subject matter. For instance, the advice of your “unmarried” friend should rank lower than that of your “married” friend when the subject matter is marriage. Those ranks help you reach the right person(s), and get the best guidance in good time.

Finally, friend, keep up the attitude of seeking premium knowledge before venturing into any serious journey. Don’t only rely on yourself, keep an open mind. Also, you too, be a great advisor for your friends and others in your circle. The best way to receive always, is to give. I will keep rooting for you. Cheers.

Emeka Okereke July 11, 2023

Nice and straight to the point. Thanks.

admin July 12, 2023

Thank you Emeka.

Udogwu Sunday James July 13, 2023

Creditable idea i appreciate,

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