Thank you Ngozi.
It is in the character of every salesman to perceive every engagement as a potential sale opportunity. Every call could be a deal in the making. It may be a social event, a casual meeting or a formal encounter, sales people see deals everywhere; everybody is a potential client. It is either you are being profiled for a sale, being sold an item or being managed after a sale. This same mindset can be akin to a successful career journey.
Salesmen understand that to be successful in your sales career, you must keep three things perfectly in check all the time: prospecting new clients must be ongoing at all times, delighting existing clients must be topnotch, and managing previous clients should be important as well. In the same way, leading a successful career in any field also requires one to pay attention to where you have been, where you are, and where you hope to be.
The salesman code to building an excellent career demands mastery in three core areas: identifying opportunities, negotiating like a pro, and managing relationships. Every healthy career has all three elements.
Friend, you need to train your eyes to see opportunities if you must rise and thrive. These opportunities are typically buried in conversations, or visible to the observing eyes. Monitoring trends in your industry or sub-sector, consuming data emanating from your market, these are methods to sharpen your eyes to see opportunities. In today’s information-surplus era, plus rapid innovations all around, you need to know. Otherwise, your entire industry can be scrapped without your prior knowledge.
You need to hone the cutting-edge skill of negotiation, and keep honing it; how to cut yourself the best deal any day any time. It will come in handy.
Lastly, you must perfect the art of managing relationships; so much is left on the table by a poor relationship manager. Know the assets you have in your contact list, and keep building them.
To conclude, friend, let this salesman code guide you to building your excellent career. Keep the flame burning. Stay strong. Shine bright. Win, and keep winning.
I will keep rooting for you. Cheers.